my role
As a freelance Graphic Designer, I established the visual identity for UTS Startups Festival 2021 and surrounding events, whilst adhering to the strict branding guidelines of University of Technology Sydney. I was also responsible for creating visual assets (mostly digital assets) for the event across all channels, including: banner imagery (print & digital) across multiple platforms, email assets, website materials, posters, motion graphics and presentation slides. I was also responsible for creating social media assets, acting as announcements and building anticipation for the UTS Startups Festival 2021 and surrounding events.
- visual identity & branding
- visual assets
- print & digital
- visual assets
- print & digital

The events of the UTS Startups Festival 2021 were unfortunately impacted by the Greater Sydney lockdown caused by the COVID-19 situation. The specifics of the events were therefore continuously changing and I had to readily adapt to the constantly changing design briefs. The restrictions resulted in the events adapted to be online, with most on-campus elements cancelled or postponed with uncertainty.
Due to the sudden COVID lockdown restrictions, I had to complete this project remotely, through digitally communicating and collaborating with the UTS Startups team.

online festival
The prolonged COVID lockdown resulted in the UTS Startups Festival 2021 occurring purely online. Regardless, with the use of social media and streaming features, the event became a huge success! The transition to online enabled more people to access and virtually attend the events. Along with the live broadcasting, most of the events were also recorded and subsequently uploaded for those who were unable to "attend" the events.
The most anticipated event and highlight of the festival: UTS Startups Awards 2021 saw 300+ attendees on the event on LinkedIn alone. This number significantly surpasses the number of guests who would have been able to attend the otherwise on-campus social-distanced COVID Awards in the University of Technology Sydney Great Hall.

My designs were met with ‘incredibly positive’ responses, and increasing excitement and anticipation for the events. The designs also increased engagement, with one email newsletter campaign performing with the best open and click rates experienced by UTS Startups.